I've done it a couple of times now. Here in the UK, the spa I went to also recommended a lash conditioning serum and didn't say anything about not using an oil cleanser, and I found the effects of the lift still lasted around 7 weeks before I had the treatment again, but the tint wore off after around a month. It's great since I'm a glasses wearer and if I don't curl my lashes they hit my lenses.

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Thank you both-this is really helpful!

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What do you mean by your lashes falling out?

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Your lashes naturally fall out and get replaced every few months so the lifted lashes stay curled but they'll eventually fall out and be replaced by new hair

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Ahhh ok. I didn’t know they fall out that quickly?! So you mean it should last until the hair falls out.

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Thank you for writing about this. I’ve been wanting to try it-but not gonna lie-the no oil thing gives me pause. I also double cleanse and gua sha as well.

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It's been going ok so far. I think the key is really making sure you're using a mascara that comes off easily with a water-based cleanser (which always made me nervous that it would then give me raccoon eyes during the day but it's been ok so far!)

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